chambers.txt THE QUEEN'S CHAMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I enter the elaborate chambers of my enchanting Queen accompanied by my beautiful companion. The familiarity of the pleasant artifacts brings forth memories of wonderful past encounters and brings a warmth to my heart. At the same time, I am excited over the prospect of what is soon to occur. My attention is turned quickly from the surroundings to the view of my Queen lounging royally on the satin sheet that cover the large bed. She is clad only in a thin black lace nighty awaiting my arrival. The gown is so sheer that it freely allows evidence of her wondrous womanhood to shine through. I can see the supple outline of her beautiful breasts and I can see her nipples standing out like soldiers waiting at attention in anticipation of my arrival. My heart beat quickens at the sight and I feel my own soldier of passion rising in preparation to for the pleasurable battle soon to come. Her eyes meet mine and I call out my greeting. "Hail, my beautiful Queen Cleopatra! Once again we are together and my heart need no longer suffer the pain of your absence." "Hail Mark Anthony, my gallant prince! My body quivers at your sight as I have longed for you during your absence. But who is this beauty that accompanies you to my chambers and why do you not visit me alone as you usually do. I do not wish to be rude but I have longed for us to be together again and had anticipated our sharing passion at first meeting. I enjoy engaging in social intercourse and your companion appears to be quite beautiful and pleasant. So, I am sure that at a later time we would enjoy socializing with her but right now, I would much rather share some special moments with my valiant prince before engaging in any other activities." "Take heart my sweet Queen, I too have anticipated our meeting again too much to forestall our passion in favor of a mere pleasant social encounter. As you must recall, we have discussed sharing our great pleasures with another beauty if an appropriate lady could be found, thereby bringing our passions to even greater heights and letting another enjoy the great love that we share. Well, after a long search that often seemed hopeless, I have found a special lady worthy of the honor of sharing our bed and our passions. As you can see her beauty is self evident and needs no explanation from me. Her name is Maria LeDuce and she is a French Princess expert in the art of love and quite experienced in satisfying the passions of a woman. Together, we plan to take you to heights of pleasure that are seldom experienced by mere mortals. Even Venus, the goddess of love and passion, may look upon your chambers and feel envy at what is about to take place here." "Maria LeDuce, my fine lady, show our queen the great treasures you have to offer. Let her view the elegance of your body clad as it was when it first entered this world." "Gladly, my lord." Responded Maria LeDuce. "The heat is already generating in my body causing the wearing of this threads to become unbearable and I long to be free of them and to become ready to share my warmth with you and your beautiful queen." With that, Maria LeDuce began to peel the top of her blouse down slowly over her ample breasts. As the sweet pinkness of her erect nipples came into view, I began to feel a swelling to the point of pain as my organ cried for freedom from the confines of the garb in which I was clad. As I watched Maria LeDuce disrobe. Almost in a state of enchantment from her beauty, I too began to cast off my clothing to ready myself for the oncoming passion and to allow my manliness the freedom it demanded so that it might rise to full glory. As I prepared myself by feel, I kept my eyes on the movements of Maria LeDuce. Her breast rose and fell and her nipples stood erect signifying the effect that the moment was having on her as well. I quickly glanced toward my queen and saw that she too had her eyes glued to the great spectacle of Maria LeDuce revealing her treasures. Maria LeDuce closed her eye and massaged her breasts which longed for some type of contact. She squeezed her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and sighed from the pleasure of the feeling. The anticipation was mounting quickly in the chambers. Maria LeDuce unbuckled her belt and slid her skirt down her supple thighs unveiling the lace, sheer, black panties which covered the center of her passion. "Now, my queen, let me unveil this enchantress' finest treasure." I stepped behind Maria LeDuce and knelt down behind her. I inserted my thumbs under the elastic of her panties and began to roll them down slowly revealing small sections of her treasure trove at a time. While I pealed her panties down, I kissed her hips and touched them lightly with my tongue. I also ran my tongue flatly across the smooth warm surface of her supple pink bottom. Once I reached the point where the silkiness of her pubic hair started to appear, I stopped periodically to run the tips of my fingers gently across her mound. I revelled in the feel of the silken fibers of her pubic hair as they brushed across my fingertips. Maria LeDuce held her head back and had her eyes closed concentrating on the pleasure of the gentle touches which were assaulting her lower regions. I could feel her anxiety grow. She enjoyed the tingling of the touch but at the same time, it caused her body to become inpatient and long for a more intense assault. "I can see that you have truly found a great treasure for us, my prince. This soft maid is not only beautiful but is quite evident that the heights of her passion are great. Even my greatest painters would not be able to capture the beauty of her wondrous body on canvas for the supple texture of her skin must be experienced to be fully appreciated. My desire grows for contact with her softness." As her entire mound was revealed, I insert my hands between her legs and glide the panties down her thighs while rubbing my palms against the sensitive inner portion of the thighs. I then brought them over her knees and down her legs massaging the lower part of her legs at the same time. After removing her panties and casting them aside, I gently pushed up with my fingers against the lips of her mound and reveal the glistening, dripping warmth which they cover. "Behold, my queen, the source of this fine lady's delectable juices. This fine warm liquid rivals the ambrosia which is enjoyed by the gods. I will now uncap this well with my tongue so that it will flow freely for our enjoyment." I came around in front of Maria LeDuce still on my knees so that my face was aligned with this glorious treat. As I held the lips back with my forefingers, I licked around the inside of the glistening pink walls. As I did so, I could feel Maria LeDuce' body tremble from the pleasurable contact. I released the lips and grasped the cheeks of her buttocks as I extended my tongue to touch the tip of her hood where the center of her passion lies. The intensity of the contact was so great that I could feel Maria LeDuce' knees weaken and I had to help her hold up her weight as my tongue tickled the hood causing her juices to flow like a stream of sweet heated honey. She moaned and sighed with pleasure and I realized that if I continued much longer she would not be able to remain on her feet even with my help. After a few long delicious laps, I withdrew from the pleasure nest and came to my feet. My organ standing proudly in front of me pumped full from the passion which had grown in my body while exploring the wondrous treasure of Maria LeDuce. "Now, my queen, we are inspired and ready to take you to the heights of passion as you have never experienced before." "Oh yes, my prince." she replied "My body is in intense heat from viewing the wonders which the two of you have to offer for me and my passion center is already flowing from desire. Approach my bed with this wondrous maid and let my body experience the pleasures that you have to offer." Slowly the two of us approached the bed. My queen was lying back on the silk sheets anxious in anticipation of the contact about to be made. Her breast were evident under the sheerness of the nighty she was wearing and we could see her breasts heaving up and down from excitement. I turned to Maria LeDuce and we smiled at each other. "This shall truly be a labor of love, my lord. I am immensely happy that you have chosen me to share the love of you and your lady and I think this will be a wonderful experience that none of us are soon to forget."